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March 12, 2008


Womens Net Guide

Its something that needs to be done throughout the world

News Tip Re Barbados Child Rapist Set Free

FYI - Barbados Free Press Story


Child Rape Haven Barbados - 12-Year-Old Girl Raped Ten Years Ago, No Trial For Ten Years - Defense Lawyers Succeed In Subverting Courts

Child Rape Haven Barbados - 12-Year-Old Girl Raped Ten Years Ago, No Trial For Ten Years - Defense Lawyers Succeed In Subverting Courts

Child Rapist Looked After By Corrupt Old Boys’ Justice System

Barbados should hang its head in shame after a child rapist was able to walk free because his slimy lawyers delayed his trial for TEN YEARS and OUR JUDGES LET IT HAPPEN. (Nation News story link here)

There can be no excuse for what happened. No “explanation” from either the court or the legal community will suffice. We don’t even want to hear another pathetic lie or excuse from the Barbados courts and legal community.

Chief Justice David Simmons, Justice Elneth Kentish, Director of Public Prosecutions Charles Leacock, former Attorneys General Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, current Attorney General Freundel Stuart and the entire Barbados legal community should shut their disgraced mouths while the citizens discuss what can be done to return justice and rule of law to our country.

And it is not just about a child rapist walking free… although this case will do nicely to illustrate everything that is wrong with our justice system and courts. This business of witnesses and victims “settling out of court” and withdrawing their complaints after being paid money should not be tolerated. It undermines the entire justice system.

Consider this: In 1998 a twelve-year-old girl reported a rape and her attacker was charged. The victim is now 22 years old and the case never came to trial! She has spent the last TEN YEARS - half her life - avoiding her attacker who was walking free on this small island supposedly “awaiting trial”.

Delay, delay, delay. Motion this, unavailable counsel that. Conflict of dates for trial here, case remanded for settlement talks or disclosure here. And then finally after ten years she “withdraws” her willingness to testify - either after being paid off or because she has just had enough abuse.

The people who let this happen should all resign - but seeing as they won’t resign it is enough to know that their kind who have perverted our justice system to what it is now will probably BURN IN HELL. They should burn in hell.

If our “Justice System” cannot bring a child rapist to trial in ten years, what right does our “Justice System” even have to exist?
The Chief Justice should have said, “Not on my watch!”.

Tens years of Attorneys General should have said, “Not on my watch!”

God knows we should have been able to count on a woman judge to have some understanding of how our male-dominated society blames women rape victims - even 12-year-old children. But we couldn’t even count on Justice Elneth Kentish for justice. She said “Tsk, tek. Oh dear, what can the matter be” and that is the end of any accountability as far as she is concerned.

She ought to be ashamed of herself for allowing justice to be perverted in her court.

This should be an international story where the world community demands Barbados to account - and if we can at all place this on the world stage we will.

Barbados: Child Rape Haven
Don’t like that phrase? Then tell me why this country doesn’t deserve that title.


I think that this would be something very appropriate for your website to talk about. Women and girls need to be considered equals in life, and as my story shows, girls can earn the respect they deserve. A very young girls' soccer team played in a league that they dominated. The girls won every game, even against other girls that were older than them. Their coach made a bold move and put them into the boys league. This was met with some criticism, but as the girls did exceptionally well, it made people stop and think about what was fair and right concerning girls and boys. People should not be discriminated against based on gender, and these girls overcame that discrimination. Watch the trailer at www.kicklikeagirlmovie.com and see what you think.

Debra Morrison

We women are indeed very important in our society today. We should fight for our rights! Women are no longer considered to be just a housewife, a baby sitter, a cook but a SUCCESSFUL person in her FIELD of Expertise!

We should stand for our rights as what I told everyone WE CAN DO IT WOMEN

Sharon Wilson - Seeing You Soar & Shine in 2009

Today's women are very bold and we should work as a team in getting justice for ourselves and the rest of the women folk who are yet to come forward due to their introvert nature. We have to guide them accordingly, thus providing them the courage to face these situations boldly.


This woman is a disgrace to women in uniform everywhere.


The Truth

I propose to fuck bitches all day and night until my dick falls off, then proceed to get reconstructive surgery and advocate a women’s health program until I finally begin to change people’s views of homosexuality. Once I come out and say I’m not gay, people will realize the futility of judgments and the world will be a better place. But no, folks, I will not stop there. Then I will grab a hammer, go to the Washington DC museum of whatever it’s called, and SMASH THE FUCK OUT OF THE CONSTITUTION. Then the world will see the truth in my words and my actions. FUCK THE COMMUNIST PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie Macmillan

Women in South Carolina are still fighting for their rights. It is legal for a pharmacist to refuse to fill a woman’s birth control PRESCRIPTION if she is not married. Legislators are trying to completely ban birth control for the entire state. We have to continue fighting for our rights! The New Morning Foundation in Columbia, SC is looking for supporters. We have a Virtual March occurring on March 23. We need you to sign-up. If you sign-up you will not be subjected to mass e-mails. On March 23, our organization would send a preformatted e-mail telling legislators that we want our rights to birth control. All you have to do is press a button and help change the history of the state of South Carolina.

Join us today at tellthemsc.org

It doesn’t matter what state you are from, just that you support us. For more information log on to our website or visit us at Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.


Interested to see how International Women's Day started as mentioned at - http://myamazingpeople.com/category/education/women/


Hello I am an artist from Augusta, Ga who will be protesting at the upcoming Masters Golf tournament for women rights as well as civil rights for those in connection with such organizations..Women are not allowed to join these organizations and minorities and indigent are shunned please support this cause for yourselves as well as for those who cannot speak voice their mistreatment.. Thanks

For more information: [email protected]


Hello I am an artist from Augusta, Ga who will be protesting at the upcoming Masters Golf tournament for women rights as well as civil rights for those in connection with such organizations..Women are not allowed to join these organizations and minorities and indigent are shunned please support this cause for yourselves as well as for those who cannot speak voice their mistreatment.. Thanks

for more information: [email protected]


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check this out

Chauvinist American lawyer teaching English in Ukraine beats his former female student http://nomoretroubles.blogspot.com/

comments are highly appreciated


Model Culture Uncovers Sexual Abuse against Women

I’m writing this, in conjunction to producing Model Culture Midnight Diaries, to raise awareness on the exploits that are happening in the international modeling world. I just finished five years travelling in this industry, and I have come across WAY too many Girls and Boys who have been hurt, abused, ripped off, raped, and even beaten. It’s horrible I know but please keep reading.

Basically, I’ve produced an Expose Documentary that BLOWS THE LID off this horrible garbage. In Milan and Athens, I encountered more than a handful of girls who were invited out to the VIP Models Night, where hungry models, usually under age, are given free drinks as long as they provide company to rich disgusting men.

International Modeling goes a little something like this: a young female model arrives to Milan, or Athens, or Paris... she is given a bed to sleep in, along with another six or seven girls, in a cramped models apartment. They sometimes get a weekly spending allowance, $50 if they are lucky. Needless to say, the young girls are hungry, and are desperate to meet people, have fun, and feel safe. Barely able to buy groceries, these girls jump at the opportunity to goto an exclusive night where food and drinks will be free. From this point, it gets really bad.

The goal of the VIP Models Night seems to be: invite many young female models (male models are excluded, as they might get in the way of this terrible human traffic ring), given free drinks, and eventually given Rohipnol, a date-rape drug. The girls then wake up the next morning having been violate, and sometimes even physically abused. This is FUCKING DISGUSTING, and hearing it FIRST HAND, it made my Blood BOIL!

Other situations I commonly encountered were of photographers or clients (the ones offering the Jobs to the models, so, basically, the "bosses") doing the same thing: luring young girls into a photoshoot at their apartment, then sending the makeup and stylist girl home (if they were there to begin with), and then this creepy, evil little photographer man descends upon the poor young girl, and either creeps her out to the point of crying, or forcing himself upon her. It NEEDS TO STOP this Evil shit! Pardon my French!

Just a week ago, I heard of THREE instances of girls being flown by plane out to do a modeling contract, one in India, one in Singapore, and the other in Korea. Upon arrival, in the Korea instance, the Modeling agent (the one who is supposed to take care of the young girls) took the girl into the elevator, where two men entered. They put a knife to her and forced her into sex.

Needless to say, I want to KILL these FUCKS! But I can't, because then I'll goto some Korean prison and never be hear from again! So, instead, I produced a Documentary, interviewing the girls who have been done wrong, and candidly taping conversations of agents, clients, and the like.

As a result, my little Model Culture film landed it's own Web TV Channel: http://www.davecotetv.com/ , and by viewing it, $0.0025 is raised in the Awareness Campaign. So PLEASE watch it, and forward it. It doesn’t sound like much, but once I reach a 10 million views and names, I get the funding to finish the Full Film!
I won’t attach pictures of the hurt girls, but I will ask that you PLEASE watch “Model Culture Midnight Diaries” here:http://www.davecotetv.com/

In another instance I worked with a girl, God rest her soul, who was raped on a photoshoot. Her dad worked for the US Pentagon, and STILL this shit happened to her. Nobody's daughter is safe, because in other Countries, they just don't CARE! THIS HAS TO STOP!
So, please PLEASE watch my film, "Model Culture - Midnight Diaries", and forward this to AS MANY people as your Heart is willing, and the Karma Points will be more than I have words for. You’ll see what I mean in the Short film “Model Culture Midnight Diaries”. Here it is again http://www.davecotetv.com/

Alternatively, you can Donate $1 (but Only $1) buy going to the Donate Banner (takes you to PayPal): http://www.modelculturemidnightdiaries.com/

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart,
May God Bless you,
Dave Cote

Nidhi Reddy

Hi I tried to email you but it didn't work!

I work for KUT Radio in Austin, TX and we recently did interviews and other pieces for Women's History Month. We're trying to get them out to women's organizations and others who would be interested in these articles, video interviews, and links. If there was any way you could either post this link up on your blog, that would be great! Here is the link: http://kut.org/texas-womens-history-month/

P.S. I really admire your blog. It celebrates our achievements while showing that women still do not have equal rights nor an equal voice. Thanks for creating it!

agenzia promoter

I am really pleased to post my comment on this blog .I love your blog by the way, I am gonna have to add you to my list of watched blogs
Women in South Carolina are still fighting for their rights. It is legal for a pharmacist to refuse to fill a woman’s birth control PRESCRIPTION if she is not married. Legislators are trying to completely ban birth control for the entire state. Thanks for sharing this post so much.


Replying to the comment on model culture...

Indeed model culture is terrible and women should take responsibility for addressing the situation as this situation exists to market products to women.

I like many others are eager to see the issue of blatant inquality and sexual discrimination regarding fathers access to their children and hopefully soon women will begin to address this terrible abuse of children, men and grandparents by divorced women who try and use access to children as an emotional weapon to leverage financial gain from relationship breakdownss. It's good to see that women are focused on one of the most glaringly obvious examples of blatant sexism and sexual discrimination in the world and can rise above petty self interest to tackle the issue before thousands more children are left emotionally scared by abusive mothers who deprive children of contact with their fathers by every means possible, including institutionally sexist divorce courts who treat women as simpletons that are incapable of financially supporting their own children or acting as responsible parents.


I AGREE with this ;
Women and girls need to be considered equals in life, and as my story shows, girls can earn the respect they deserve. A very young girls' soccer team played in a league that they dominated. The girls won every game, even against other girls that were older than them.
I like many others are eager to see the issue of blatant inquality and sexual discrimination regarding fathers access to their children and hopefully soon women will begin to address this terrible abuse of children, men and grandparents by divorced women who try and use access to children as an emotional weapon to leverage financial gain from relationship breakdownss.

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